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     Hello, my name is Clyde Rich, I am a 57 year old blue collar worker, and I am running for President of the

United States of America. I am here to repersent the millions of John Doe's like myself in this great country of ours. To give a voice to those of us that have no one to repersent them. The one's running right now say they want to help the working class, but as soon as they are elected it is business as usual. How long will we keep taking the same bait before we take a stand? I think it's time the hard working class of this country take it back, put working people first. Put a stop to the practice of sending jobs overseas, put a stop to the invasion of our country at our southern border. Put a stop to the rising food prices, and cost of living. Right now we have a government and it's elected officials serving themselfs, and not the people who elected them, and with your help, I plan on putting an end to this practice.

     They are those who say I am not qualified to be President. At the end of  the year 2016 we will have had 16 years of being led by two Harvard graduates, (President Bush and Obama). How has that worked out for you? Is your life better today than it was in 2000? Food prices up over 55%, milk and meat up over 75%, income down 10%. Maybe it's time we change our thinking of what qualifies a person to be President. Maybe it's time to put one of our own in office, someone who really knows what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck, what it's like to not know if their job will be there in the morning when they wake, and not shipped overseas. Time to elect someone who receives a W-2 at the end of the year instead of 1099-div, (dividend statement).

     Let me talk about the issues our country faces, and what is in the news. Immigration, a big problem that can be solved now. As president I would simply enforce the laws we have now, if you hire an illegal immigrant you go to jail, period, if you're here illegally you get no benefits, if you're here illegally you will be deported, period, it's the law. President Bush and Obama haven't enforced the law, and that's why we have an immigrantion problem in this country, why, because big corporations want cheap labor, democrats want voters, and it's all at our expense. A wall is not a bad idea, but until a wall is built we can put troops on the border. Put an end to anchor babies. More control of who gets a visa, and how long they stay here.  Yes we can deport the 12 million or more illegal immigrants, we can and we must. Why have laws if we are not going to enforce them.

     Taxes, everybody agrees are to high, but why do the republican politicans always talk about giving the wealthy tax cuts, could it be they are seeking campaign contributions? Look at their plans, do the math. We can simplify the tax code, and lower rates for everybody, poor and wealthy, but a flat or fair tax hurts the poor and greatly benefits the very wealthy. Progressive tax leaves more for the ones who need it most and doesn't hurt the ones who have more. Lets cut out the loop holes that the politicans put in the tax code to benefit the wealthy, and we could lower each bracket by five percent or more without having an impact on the government.

     It's time we turn welfare into a hand up, and not a hand out. The maximum benefit a person should receive in a year should be half of what a minimum wage job brings in, (min-wage = $7.25 X 40 hours = $290.00 X 52 weeks = $15,080.00 a year divide by 2 = $7540.00 per year maxium benefit, period). If you can receive more than you can earn at a job then why work, by cutting the benefits to half of what a person can earn working puts incentive back into having a job, period.

     Social Security and Medicare are benefits earned by millions of hard working Americans. All this talk about it going broke are just Republican politicans pandering to the wealthy contributors who are afraid of there taxes being raised to save it. Many of them have said we need to raise the age at which people can receive SSN, really, are they hoping many will die before receiving there first check that they have worked their entire life for. I am for lowing the age back to 65, and I will do everything to save Social Security, including taxing the wealthy. No one will have to work until the age of 70 in my administration.

     Global warming, climate change, and the environment. What we have in this country is an out of control EPA, that has bypassed congress and written their own laws. President Bush signed into law the Renewable Fuels standard, or Energy Policy Act in 2005, and also the Energy Independence Act of 2007. (ETHANOL) These two laws have dramatically disrupted food prices and is the main culprit for the all time high prices for meat, and milk, and food in general. Bush signed this crony environmentalism into law, and the Obama administration has doubled down on the policy in the face of mounting evidence of environmental destruction and economic displacement. Food prices are up over 60% since these laws. A gallon of milk has went from $1.89 to $4.25, you know because you see it everytime you shop, but did you know that food and gas are not used in the calculation for inflation. If it was, we would have 20% to 30% inflation right now. When big corporations own your politicans, and the media, this is what happens. This is economic displacement, this is why people are demanding we increase the min-wage. Over 60% of the corn crop of 2010 was diverted away from food production to produce ETHANOL, there are now 43 ethanol plants in the state of Iowa alone. We need to care for the environment, but at the same time we need to do it in a way that does not cause such a large economic displacement to our people that are on a fixed income or a low wage earner. WHAT MADE THIS COUNTRY GREAT WAS THE ABUNDANCE OF CHEAP FOOD. As President I would demand the repeal these bad Ethanol laws.

     I would like for someone to tell me what's so Affordable about the Affordable Care Act? The money that the Obama administration spent on setting up this Care Act could of paid for all the uninsured people in this country to have insurance for the rest of their lifes. My health insurance is not half as good as it was before this law, it needs to be repeeled.

     I hear all the rags to riches stories that the republican politicans love to say is what makes this country so great, but lets look at this. If you earn $400,000 or more per-year, you are one percent of the population, one percent. This means you have less than one percent chance of becoming a millionaire in this country. I say what has made this country so great was the abundance of cheap food, affordable housing, the abilty for all to feed and house their families, so please help me make America a great place to live and raise a family again.

Thank you and God Bless



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